Your local Belsize Lib Dem team. Published and promoted on behalf of the Liberal Democrats by T.Simon at 242 Webheath Community Workshops, Netherwood Street, London, NW6 2JX. Learn more
by Tom Simon on 28 April, 2011
Labour-run Camden Council has rejected a motion to guarantee that none of our libraries will be closed, claiming this would be pre-judging the results of its consultation. The motion was the subject of an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council that had been called by the Liberal Democrats in order to allow a proper debate and a vote on the future of our libraries. The Labour administration used its majority on the Council to amend the motion, watering down a pledge not to close libraries to a much vaguer promise to ‘protect library services’.
At a stormy and well attended meeting at Camden Town Hall Labour Councillors refused to vote for a very simple motion, pledging the Council not to close any of its libraries. Instead they forced through an amendment which falls short of that pledge and leaves open the possibility of closing libraries. The Cabinet member responsible for libraries argued that making such a pledge before the results of the consultation have been analysed makes no sense. However that consultation has itself been widely condemned as being flawed.
Something you can be sure of is that Liberal Democrats in Camden will continue to work hard to defend your libraries.
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